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- Meeting times of Markov chains via singular value decomposition. With Thomas van Belle. Preprint. 2024 [ PDF, arXiv ]
- Continuum graph dynamics via population dynamics: well-posedness, duality and equilibria. With Andreas Greven, Frank den Hollander, Anita Winter. Preprint. 2023 [ PDF, arXiv ]
- The grapheme-valued Wright-Fisher diffusion with mutation. With Andreas Greven, Frank den Hollander, Anita Winter. Theoretical Population Biology 158, 76-88, 2024 [ PDF, arXiv ] journal version ]
- The phase diagram of the complex continuous random energy model: The weak correlation regime. Preprint. 2023 [ PDF, arXiv ]
- Stochastic models of inhomogeneous complex systems: Emergence of multi-scale hierarchies. Habilitation Thesis. University of Duisburg-Essen. 2020 [ PDF, library version ]
- Markovian dynamics of exchangeable arrays. With Jiří Černý. In: Genealogies of Interacting Particle Systems. Ed. by M. Birkner, R. Sun, and J. Swart. Vol. 38. IMS LNS. World Scientific, 2020. [ PDF, arXiv ]
- The phase diagram of the complex branching Brownian motion energy model. With Lisa Hartung. Electron. J. Probab. 23 (127), 27 pp. 2018. [ PDF, arXiv, journal version ]
- The hierarchical Cannings process in random environment. With Andreas Greven, Frank den Hollander. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 15, 295-351, 2018. [ PDF, arXiv ]
- The glassy phase of the complex branching Brownian motion energy model. With Lisa Hartung. Electron. Commun. Probab. 20 (78), 1–15. 2015. [ PDF, arXiv, journal version ]
- Gaussian fluctuations in generalized random energy model at complex temperatures. With Zakhar Kabluchko. Submitted. 2015. [ PDF, arXiv ]
- Generalized random energy model at complex temperatures. With Zakhar Kabluchko. Submitted. 2014. [ PDF, arXiv ]
- Renormalisation of hierarchically interacting Lambda-Cannings processes. With Andreas Greven, Frank den Hollander, Sandra Kliem. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 11 (1), 43–140. 2014. [ PDF, arXiv ]
- Complex Random Energy Model: Zeros and Fluctuations. With Zakhar Kabluchko. Prob. Theor. and Rel. Fields. 158. Pages 159-196. 2014. [ PDF, arXiv, journal version, EURANDOM report ]
- High-dimensional Gaussian fields with isotropic increments seen through spin glasses. Electron. Commun. Probab. 17. 2012. [ PDF, journal version, arXiv, EURANDOM report ]
- Towards renormalisation of the hierarchically interacting heavy-tailed Lambda-Cannings models. Oberwolfach Reports, 8(1):806–809, March 2011. [ journal version ].
- The Aizenman-Sims-Starr and Guerra's schemes for the SK model with multidimensional spins. With Anton Bovier. Electron. J. Probab. 14. Pages 161-241. 2009. [ PDF, arXiv, journal version ]
- Fluctuations of the partition function in the GREM with external field. With Anton Bovier. J. Math. Phys. 49 (1), 125202, 2008. [ PDF, arXiv, journal version ]
- Sums of correlated exponentials: two types of Gaussian correlation structures. Ph.D. thesis. Berlin University of Technology. June 2008. [ PDF, abstract ]
- The Aizenman-Sims-Starr scheme for the SK model with multidimensional spins. 2007. With Anton Bovier. [ PDF, arXiv ]
- Learning and generalization errors for the 2D binary perceptron. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 42, Issues 11-12, December 2005, Pages 1339-1358. [ journal version ]
- Scaling and ergodic analysis of spatial Cannings models. 11th German Probability and Statistics Days, March 4–7, 2014, Ulm, Germany.
- Probabilistic Analysis of Random Energy Models. Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Systems, November 3–7, 2013, Langeoog, Germany.
- Renormalization of hierarchically interacting Lambda-Cannings processes. Cornell Probability Summer School 2012, Ithaca, NY.
- STOchastically skewed evolution: clustering vs. local coexistence. EURANDOM, June 7, 2012, Eindhoven.
- Multi-scale analysis of hierarchically interacting Λ-Cannings processes. 10th German Probability and Statistics Days. March 8, 2012. Mainz.
- Large scale behaviour of Cannings' model on hierarchical group and in continuum, AG Stochastik und Dynamische Systeme, November 17, 2011, Erlangen.
- Renormalisation of hierarchically interacting Lambda-Cannings processes, Universiteit Leiden, November 1, 2011, Leiden.
- Rather conventional Gaussian random fields in the light of spin glasses, University of Duisburg-Essen, October 18, 2011, Essen.
- Renormalisation of hierachically interacting Lambda-Cannings processes in the mean-field limit, 5th International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, September 5–9, 2011, Bonn.
- Free energy of a particle in high-dimensional Gaussian potentials with isotropic increments, 2011 School on Mathematical Statistical Physics, August 29–September 9, 2011, Prague.
- High-dimensional Gaussian random fields with isotropic increments seen through spin glasses, Extreme Value Statistics in Mathematics, Physics and Beyond, July 4–8, 2011, Leiden.
- Gaussian random fields with isotropic increments seen through spin glasses, June 13–17, 2011, Firenze.
- Interacting particle systems and renormalisation group, May 26 + June 02, 2011, Institute for low temperature physics, Kharkiv.
- Multi-scale analysis of the hierarchically interacting heavy-tailed Cannings models, May 2–13, 2011, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Singapore.
- Towards renormalisation of the hierarchically interacting heavy-tailed Lambda-Cannings models, March 13–19, 2011, Oberwolfach.
- High-dimensional Gaussian fields with isotropic increments: cascades and Parisi-type formulae, Séminaire Probabilités et Statistiques, January 28, 2011, Marseille.
- Hierarchically interacting spatial Lambda-Fleming-Viot processes, HIM Junior Trimester Program on Stochastics, November 29, 2010, Bonn.
- Extremes and exponential functionals of high-dimensional Gaussian processes with isotropic increments: comparison with cascades, AG Stochastik und Dynamische Systeme, November 25, 2010, Erlangen.
- Parisi-type formulae as traces of hierarchical self-organization in range-free spin glasses with Gaussian Hamiltonians, HIM Junior Trimester Program on Stochastics, November 16, 2010, Bonn.
- Universal macroscopic behavior of evolving genealogies of spatial Lambda-Fleming-Viot processes, Forschungsseminar der Arbeitsgruppe Stochastik, October 26, 2010, Essen.
- High-dimensional Gaussian fields with isotropic increments, Disordered systems and extreme value statistics, September 16, 2010, Bonn. Slides.
- Extremes and emergence of hierarchies in high-dimensional Gaussian random fields, 73rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, August 10, 2010, Gothenburg.
- Extremes of high-dimensional Gaussian random fields with isotropic increments, PIMS summer school in probability, July 07, 2010, Seattle.
- Extremes and emergence of hierarchies in high-dimensional Gaussian random fields, Stochastics Colloquium, Universiteit Utrecht, May 6, 2010.
- Parisi's hierarchical replica symmetry breaking for high-dimensional Gaussian processes with isotropic increments, 9th German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics, March 4, 2010, Leipzig.
- Short-, critical- (logarithmic) and long-range correlations in high-dimensional Gaussian random fields with isotropic increments, Oberseminar Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, TU München / Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München, January 25, 2010, München.
- Around one-and-a-half Parisi-type formulae for the free energy, Statistical Mechanics on Random Structures, November 15–20, 2009, BIRS, Banff, Canada.
- High-dimensional random fields with stationary isotropic increments: the Parisi picture, The 33rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, July 27–31, TU Berlin.
- Parisi landscapes on high-dimensional Euclidean spaces, Workshop "Mathematical Models from Physics and Biology", April 01–04, Hausdorff center for mathematics, Bonn.
- Hierarchical self-organisation in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with multidimensional spins, Statistical Mechanics Workshop, December 8–12, 2008, IHP, Paris.
- Hierarchical self-organisation in some non-hierarchically interacting high-dimensional random systems, BRG meeting, ESI, October 2–3, 2008, Vienna
- Limiting behaviour of large sums of strongly correlated exponentials, Oberseminar Mathematische Statistik, TU München, July 09, Garching, 2008.
- Hierarchical structures in the large sums of non-hierarchically correlated random exponentials, EURANDOM, July 04, Eindhoven, 2008.
- Sums of correlated exponentials: two types of Gaussian correlation structures, Kolloquium des mathematischen Instituts, Universität Erlangen, June 26, Erlangen, 2008.
- Estimates of Guerra's remainder term in the SK model with multidimensional spins, YEP 2008, March 13, Eindhoven, 2008.
- Free energy in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with multidimensional spins, Berlin-Leipzig Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, December 7, Leipzig, 2007.
- The Aizenman-Sims-Starr scheme for the multidimensional SK model, The 5^th^ Prague Summer School on Mathematical Statistical Mechanics, September 10-23, Prague, 2006.
- The Aizenman-Sims-Starr scheme for the vector SK model, Frankfurter Stochastik-Tage 2006, Frankfurt, 14-17.03.2006.