Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie II 2014/15
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Martin Hutzenthaler.
Lectures: Tuesdays, 10:15-12:00 (@ WSC-S-U-3.03) + Thursdays 10:15-12:00 (room WSC-S-U-3.03).
Exercises: Dr. Anton Klimovsky.
Tutorial classes: Tim Schönberger, Tuesdays, 8:30-10:00 (@ WSC-S-U-3.03).
Check out the main course page.
- Sheet #0. Recap of some building blocks from Probability Theory I.
- Sheet #1. Filtrations and stopping times.
- Sheet #2. Martingales.
- Sheet #3. Optional Sampling.
- Sheet #4. Martingale convergence theorems.
- Sheet #5. Martingale convergence theorems II.
- Sheet #6. Backwards martingales and exchangeability.
- Sheet #7. Weak convergence.
- Sheet #8. Weak convergence and exchangeability.
- Sheet #9. More on weak convergence.
- Sheet #10. Probability measures on product spaces.
- Sheet #11. Characteristic functions.
- Sheet #12. Central limit theorem and friends.
- Practice exam.